Rick Brickner, Owner ~
Metallic Tube Application, LLC
“I am writing this letter to formally thank the Sheboygan Falls City Council for making it possible for Metallic Tube Application, LLC to stay in the Sheboygan Falls area. This expansion project is a dream come true, enduring the economy’s ups and downs over the past 14 years of MTA’s existence.
Driving through Vision Business Park, I knew I wanted to build there and keep my business in Sheboygan Falls.
Thank you to Mayor Randy Meyer, Administrator Shad Tenpas and the City Council for making it possible for me to expand MTA in Vision Business Park.
Special thanks to Randy and Shad; they understand the challenges of a small business owner investing quite a large sum of money in a building to keep their business growing. It was a pleasure working with them and I don’t believe this expansion project would have been possible without their help.”
Bill Pursow, Owner ~
Pros 4 Technology
“Thank you to the City of Sheboygan Falls for Providing the opportunity for Pros 4 Technology to come to move our Company here.
Mayor Meyer was a huge part of this as he has been working to get Pros 4 Technology to move to Sheboygan Falls for some time. I can’t thank Mayor Meyer enough for his persistence and Shad Tenpas and the City of Sheboygan Falls for helping us make this happen.
We are proud to call Sheboygan Falls our new Corporate Headquarters and we look forward to growing our company here.
Thank you for making this project come to reality.”