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  • Mayor Randy Meyer

Guiding Principles

Integrity: Do what I say I will do, when I say I will do it. I will not be afraid to say no, if I can’t make it a priority to accomplish in a reasonable time.

Honesty: Be truthful and honest in all of my dealings, but temper my honesty with tactfulness and compassion. I can be honest without being mean. Discuss the idea or topic, not the person or personalities behind the idea.

Learning: I will always continue to study, learn, grow by reading books, meeting new people, and listening to new ideas. I will challenge myself by not only reading books I agree with, but also reading some that I do not agree with.

Seek to Understand Others: I will step into other people’s shoes and look at the issue from their point of view. This doesn’t mean I will ultimately agree with them, but I will always endeavor to understand their point of view.

Extraordinary Expectation: I will set the bar of expectation high for myself, knowing that failure only happens when you have no end goal or accomplishment in mind.

Set Goals: I will continue to practice the magic art of goal setting, reviewing goals, and celebrating accomplished goals.

Treat Change as a Positive: I will treat change as a positive force, while recognizing that change can involve short-term temporary pain, but leads to long-term breakthroughs. I must adapt to the world, I cannot expect the world to adapt to me.

Love My Family: Show unconditional love for my family, recognizing that I am not perfect. Therefore, I cannot expect my family to be perfect at all times, but I can show them that I love them at all times.

Grow in My Faith in God: Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life. There is a greater spiritual power that guides us.

Positive Attitude: I am responsible for my attitude and outlook. Therefore, I choose to maintain a positive attitude and mindset. I recognize that setbacks are temporary and have positive lessons attached, if I am only willing to look for them.

Contribute Through a Circle of Interdependence: Recognize that the best accomplishments help and reward many, not just you. Always give thanks to those who a played a part in your achievements, great and small. Without the help of others, most of my accomplishments would be small and of little consequence.

Time Balance: Seek a long-term balance of work, family, community involvement, and leisure.

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